Credit: NPS / Jim Peaco
National Park Service
Draw A Bison Challenge
Credit: Katie S., age 38
Bison are the largest land mammals in North America and live in some national parks. Bison have adapted to thrive in a variety of ecosystems that offer a diet of grasses, sedges, forbs, and woody plants and to endure harsh conditions such as drought and severe winter weather. It can be an incredible experience to see these majestic animals in the wild, but remember to give them plenty of space and follow these seven tips for watching them safely.
Download the “Draw a Bison and Share Your Art” image. Choose your method:
Print the image and color it with art supplies of your choice or
Use a software program to draw or paint on the image
Share your art masterpiece on social media using #FindYourPark / #EncuentraTuParque to add it to the growing Find Your Park bison herd.