Visit each of our Historic Buffalo Sites. Email us and let us know which site you visited to earn a seal for your Self-guided Tour book,
Buffalo Trails in the Dakota Buttes.
Site 1: Grandest of All
Hornaday in 1880s mounted buffalo for museums so visitors would have a chance to view them.
Site 3: Last Stand of the Buffalo
Visualize the Last Stand of Buffalo, as hunted by Sitting Bull and his band, Oct 12-13, 1883.
Site 5: Saving Five Calves
Join the Native Duprees coming in a buckboard wagon to rescue calves on the River Grande.
Site 7: Blacktail Trail Lore
Learn how Native people honored the buffalo in their culture—on a 7-mile walking loop.
Site 9: Homecoming for Tribal Herds
Visit a nearby Tribal buffalo herd. Check out the reality of pecking order, respected by each.
Site 2: Hiddenwood Hunt
Ride with Dakota hunters and see great herds of buffalo grazing hills and grasslands.
Site 4: Slim Buttes Hunt
Camp with Lakota hunters thru bitter winter of 1880-1881 as buffalo suddenly arrived in Slim Buttes.
Site 6: Shadehill Buffalo Jump
Imagine across the face of this cliff, from 7000 years ago, 16 ft thick of buffalo bones.
Site 8: Buffalo Behavior
There’s nothing like buffalo up close—but it takes care; they turn on a dime—fast, dangerous.
Site 10: National Bison Museum in Jamestown, ND
Shoot a family pose with the world’s largest buffalo. Enjoy art, White Cloud in full mount.