Polishing Our Legacy
Maybe there is something we can do about our Legacy before it all disappears in smoke, as it once almost did.
Our Buffalo Grande team have some good ideas—in fact so many it seemed overwhelming.
Build a buffalo center with live buffalo in a nearby pasture, sponsor extended tours, put together public events, symposiums, encourage more bison research, a children’s section, another for young adults.
And give a major boost for teachers and students of American History. Take a look at more meaningful curriculum that will be provided from tribal people themselves.
We’ll need a lot of volunteer help for all that. Where should we start? Who will help?
Sure we have loyal volunteers: the Fire Department, First Responders, City Council, the churches, school and sports boosters.
Ours is a small town—it runs on volunteer enthusiasm and involvement.
Can we ask our faithful volunteers to support one more project? Reach out to the tribes for help?
But what if we build an expensive Buffalo Center, put it all together exactly the way it should be—and nobody comes?
Click Here
to email Buffalo Grande Foundation
and find out how you can help
preserve our Legacy.